This socially relevant romantic drama revolves around a 16-year-old girl, Malli (Sridevi), filled with ambitions of becoming a teacher. She is an attractive, intelligent woman living in a small society and experiences ripe love when seeing the new veterinarian who has come to visit. Many are impressed by this charming young fellow who has entered the village. He seems to be a wealthy, prosperous man and soon develops a relationship with Malli.
Malli, who is deeply in love, sacrifices her opportunity to study in the teaching college course to spend time with him. But his intentions are not pure and he dumps Malli when she refuses to consummate their relationship.
Malli's mother also passes away soon after finding out about her daughter's affair and her failure to get any match arranged for Malli . Her only remaining family is her distant cousin Gopalakrishna (Chandramohan), a village simpleton and is taken advantage of and isolated by the society. He is secretly in love with Malli, and is jealous and upset about the veterinarian. Another important character is the village rowdy Simhachalam (Mohan Babu) who also has an eye on Malli. How Malli lives and whom she chooses as her man forms the rest of the story.