This multi-layered revenge drama revolves around Vijay (Chiranjeevi), a fearless young man who works as a police officer, along with his best friend from childhood, Kishore (Sarath Babu). Sincere, strong and resourceful the dynamic duo fight courageously to bring crime in the area down to a minimum.
In the process, they find themselves pitted against Jackal, a heartless criminal and successfully put him behind bars, but not before he vows revenge. Unaffected by Jackal's threats, the friends continue on their crime-fighting mission.
Their deep bond becomes even deeper when Kishore's sister falls in love with Vijay and they decide to get married. They lead a happy life and have a child. However, in a fateful twist, Jackal succeeds in escaping prison and kills Kishore. Will Vijay succeed in avenging his friend's death? Can he destroy Jackal's criminal empire and ensure that justice is served?