The film revolves around a king (M. K. Radha) and a talented sculptor (Sivaji Ganesan). Chitrashilpi, the sculptor, could make stones sing and dance with his artistic touch. Son of the king's bodyguard (Nagaiah), whose kind-hearted wife is played by Kannamba, he meets the princess (Savitri) in a forest and falls in love with her. However, each is not aware of the other's identity.
Enters the villain (Nambiar) who has an eye on the throne and the princess. He has a mistress — a court dancer with a heart of gold (Rajasulochana). He employees all the tricks in his bag to get his desire fulfilled. He throws the sculptor in prison and introduces a princess-look-alike, a tribal girl (Savitri, again) and pulls the wool over the eyes of the king and marries the fake princess!
After many events, somewhat predictable, the hero exposes the villain and happiness is restored in the royal family.