This fast-paced drama revolves around four friends Ram Murthy, who works as a server in a hotel; Damodaran, who works as a photograph; Kotaiah who writes the chariot, and Bhadraiah, a bandmaster.
When an alcoholic is unable to pay for his food, Ram Murthy purchases his lottery ticket along with his friends, in lieu of payment. When the lottery ticket turns out to be a winner, Damodaram and Kotaiah turn on the other two, murdering Bhadraiah and framing Ram Murthy for the crime. Ram Murthy goes on the run from the police, is also assaulted and presumed dead. His two sons Raja and Sandeep, and Bhadraiah's two daughters Latha and Rani are forced to struggle in life.
15 years later, Damodaram and Kotaiah use the money from the lottery and become exceptionally wealthy. Damodaram's son Siva is a high-flying young man, who has completed his education from Hong Kong. When Ram Murthy resurfaces, their enmity also involves their children whose lives are intricately intertwined. Will unfolding events ensure that past wrongs are set right and justice is served?