This melodiously musical relationship drama revolves around the Srirangam Brothers, Srinivasachari (K Viswanath) and Ranga (Srikanth), who are versatile Carnatic musicians. Srinivasachari is happily married but has no children. Ranga is a widower with two children. The dynamic duo are the biggest music directors in the Telugu film industry (Tollywood) and compose music only for traditional and classical genres. They always willingly go out of their way to help aspiring singers in their music compositions. Surekha (Laya), a TV anchor, falls in love with Ranga and they get married.
After marriage, Surekha, who initially respects her brother-in-law, starts to develop ill feelings towards him and becomes envious that even though her husband Ranga is the main factor for their success and contributes equally to Srirangam Brothers music scores, Srinivasachari is the one who gets all the credit.
When Srinivasachari is awarded the Padmasri by the Government of India, Surekha rejects the saree gifted to her and shows no inclination to come along with her family to attend Srinivasachari's felicitation by the President. Also, Surekha starts to express hostility and disrespect towards Srinivasachari.
This situation provokes Srinivasachari, who starts behaving unpredictably and lashes out at a film producer about his brother's music compositions (during his music sitting) and also at the media. When Ranga becomes aware of this situation through the film producer, he returns home only to get dispirited to see Ranga's sister-in-law getting slapped by her husband, which leads to a heated argument between the two brothers and the family gets separated.
Surekha slowly understands Srinivasachari's and Ranga's calibre of music and realizes that the two brothers can only excel in their music when they stay united. This transformation in Surekha eventually leads to the unity of the family just like Srirangam Brothers' different blends excel when they compose their music together.