Set against a tumultuous backdrop of caste division and discrimination, this multi-layered drama revolves around Hanumaddasu (Akkineni Nageshwara Rao), a good man who belongs to a Haridasa family, and lives with his brother Rangadasu (Murali Mohan), and his son Thirumaladasu (Bhanuchander).
Neelakhantam (Kaikala Satyanarayana) is a cruel landlord in their village, who molests a Bhagavathar Yashodamma (K. R. Vijaya). Her husband wants her to leave the village. She decides to leave the village with Tirumala Dasu with intention of giving him good education.
After 20 years, Tirumala Dasu returns to the village as a collector. At first he pretends that he is supporting Neelakhantam, but he reveals his plan when Neelakhantam tries to acquire a particularly valuable pocket of government land. He takes bribes from different land lords and uses it to acquire the land owned by the villagers. Neelakhantam plans to destroy the village with the help of some goons. But Tirumaladasu stops him by using his powers. The villagers now realize what happened and unite to kill Neelakhantam. But Hanumaddasu pacifies them by telling that violence cannot solve their problem. Finally Neelakhantam realizes his mistake and sheds all his weapons to become a good man.