Based in Australia, this multilayered romantic drama revolves around Chandu, a talented man who lives with his paternal uncle, Krishna Rao. He dramatically meets with Mahalakshmi, who manages 'Andhra Mirchi' restaurant, and both fall in love with each other.
Their hopes of getting married and embarking on a happy life together with the blessing of their families is dashed when Mahalakshmi's aunt forcibly takes her to India in order to get her married to her son, Prem Kumar.
Chandu follows her, manages to convince her father, Pasupathi, by saving the life of the latter's son, Shriman Gajapati Naidu, from Sivaiah/Shivaji's goons. Pasupathi is ready to finalize the marriage but asks Chandu to complete a gruesome task - and it is this request that will change everyone's lives forever.