Fast-paced and fiery, this action-oriented crime drama Sub-Inspector Durai Singam lives a fairly wealthy lifestyle in Nallore, along with his parents and sister. He uses the powers vested in him wisely and well, and is, therefore, he is respected by everyone.
He meets with and falls in love with Kavya Mahalingam but faces strong opposition from her Chennai-based businessman father, who does not approve of him. Before things could be sorted out, the High Court directs an influential gangster, Mayil Vaaganam, to report to Durai. Mayil Vaaganam initially refuses to attend, but relents and attempts to vainly use goon power to intimidate Durai and instead ends up humbled and humiliated.
Upon the latter's return to Chennai, he ensures Durai gets transferred there and prepares a plan to terrorize and humiliate not only Durai but also his friends and family with impunity. How will Durai deal with this menace and ensure the safety of his loved ones?