This action-oriented romantic drama revolves around Sivamani (Nagarjuna Akkineni), an honest police officer in Vizag. He falls in love with Vasanta (Asin Thottumkal), who aspires to become a singer. Dattu is a mafia don (Prakash Raj) whose path collides with Sivamani a lot.
Incidentally, Vasanta is distantly related to Dattu and both of them belong to Kerala. In the course of events, Sivamani's mother (Sangeeta) gets paralyzed. Sivamani and Vasanta take her to Kerala for treatment at an Ayurveda hospital.
Dattu is also in Kerala and his mission is to get his revenge by taking Vasanta away from Sivamani. Vasanta becomes mute after Dattu punctures her voice box. Will Sivamani succeed in getting Vasanta back safely with the help of newspaper editor Pallavi (Rakshitha)? How will he exact revenge upon Dattu ffor his crimes and ensure that justice is served?