This melodiously musical romantic drama revolves around Kondayya (Chandramohan) and Seetalu (Rameshwari), two talented youngsters who work together in a touring theatre company that works around the area of their village, Kurabalakota. They are also deeply in love with each other.
Despite being illiterate they are greatly enamoured and mesmerised by movies, and are so enthralled by the experience that they learn to recite dialogues and sing songs from the films they watch.
A film producer who comes to the village tempts them with a false promise to provide Seetalu to act in a movie as a heroine. Seetalu travels to Hyderabad along with Kondayya. After facing many difficulties Seetalu finally bbecomes a successful heroine, with the help of painter Sridhar.
She slowly begins to pay the price of fame and fortune, as greedy relatives swarm around her for money. Seetalu is unable to spend quality time with Kondayya, who becomes distant and slowly realizes that he cannot fit in the urban cine culture. He returns to the village with a heavy heart. Will Seetalu's love be sacrificed at the altar of her flourishing film career?