This emotionally charged family drama revolves around Yashodra, a beautiful and innocent villager. When Narain, a city-bred man comes to the village, they fall in love and get married.
After their marriage, both go to live with Narain's parents, brother, and sister-in-law, Lalita, and her son, Sonu. Yashodra gets close to Sonu, and starts to spend all her time with him. This raises some concerns with Lalita, which results in some acrimony. Tragically, Sonu passes away, leaving Yashodra devastated and depressed.
Despite becoming pregnant herself and giving birth to a beautiful baby girl, she is unable to get over the trauma of losing Sonu. Her depression gives way to insanity, as she keeps on seeing Sonu in every child, and as a result she is institutionalized. Narain is unable to bear the pain of Yashodra's condition and succumbs to alcohol addiction in a big way and drowns his sorrows and frustrations day and night in a drunken stupor.
As a result, his daughter is adopted by Lalita and his brother, who keep her unaware of who her real parents are. Years pass by and Yashodra's daughter, Asha, grows up, settles in the US and becomes a mother.
At a critical juncture, Asha arrives in India for a visit and the entire family assembles to visit Yashodra. They find her holding a piece of log, covered in a blanket, singing to it as if it were Sonu. It is here that Asha finds out who her real parents are, and it is here that she will be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.