This high-octane action thriller revolves around Rama Rao, a hard-working and idealistic IPS aspirant, who gets rejected as his father works as an assistant to Mafia Don Saadu Bhai. This leads to a rift between the father and son. His brother, Siddu gets killed in a bomb blast planned by Saadu Bhai. Rama Rao seeking revenge, reunites with his father and becomes 'Baadshah' under the guidance of a police officer.
He soon takes the attack right to his enemy and takes Macau from Saadu Bhai. Infuriated by Rama Rao's aggression and guts, Saadu Bhai joins forces with his rivals and corrupt IPS officers and falsely accuses Baadshah of murdering a police officer.
In the meantime, Baadshah discovers that Saadu Bhai has planned a series of bombing across India. Will he be arrested before he's able to save the country?