Fast-paced and fiery, this dramatic tale follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Raju, a short tempered young boy. He lives with his mother and has been told that his father lives in Rangoon, Burma. When the other young boys in the area tease him, he retaliates violently. His mother tries to calm him down and asked him to promise never to react violently to his anger, and although he does, he is unable to keep his promise.
As an adult, he becomes 'Rangoon Rowdy', a well-known thug, who becomes employed as a smuggler. On the ship he operates, a beautiful young woman, Rajni comes aboard one day. She happens to be a popular singer and performer who travels to many places.
Rajni and Raju gets strangely connected. Their attraction leads Rajni to invite him home, but when Raju goes to her house, she claims never to have met him. It is later that Raju finds out that Rajni lives in fear and is exploited by her guardian.
Unable to bear on his mother's suffering, Raju decides to identify his father, who turns out to be a criminal and a cheat. Will Raju succeed in establishing justice for his mother? Can he save Rajni from her controllers and provide her a happy life?