This fiery action drama revolves around Krishna Prasad, the only son and heir of Satyanarayana Prasad (Jaggayya) an exceptionally wealthy man. While he was a child, his father's younger Garupmantha Rao (Nutan Prasad) kills his brother for the property and Krishna Prasad is driven out of the house.
Krishna Prasad goes to live with his school-teacher Nagamani (Sharada) whom he treats as his own mother, she has two children, Balaram and Jyoti, of her own. Garupmantha Rao tries to kill Krishna as well, but in the process, it is the unfortunate Balaram who gets separated from his family and is presumed dead. Despite the loss of her beloved son, Balaram, Nagamani looks after Krishna and Jyoti.
Two decades later, Krishna Prasad (Venkatesh) falls in love with his college friend Radha (Amala). Raghu (Sudhakar), the son of Garupmantha Rao turns into a local goon, with the full protection of his father who bribes the local police Inspector P.K. Pathi (Giri Babu) to turn a blind eye to his criminal activities. Intoxicated by power, Raghu heartlessly rapes and murders Jyoti (Poornima) along with his pals, and they also run over Nagamani rendering her crippled. Both Krishna and Nagamani swear to avenge Jyoti's death.
Then Balaram (Siva Krishna) re-enters their lives, as a police inspector, and is bent on arresting Krishna by hook or by crook, casting doubts whether he is or not on the payroll. Will Krishna succeed in avenging Jyoti's heinous murder? Will Balaram changed his mind after llearning the truth about Krishna and Nagamani? How will Krishna's love story unfold?