Fast-paced and fiery, this true life story revolves around the family of Veerabhadriah (Rajendra Gupta), who is a leader for backward castes in the Anandapuram area. He is closely associated with Narasimha Reddy, a powerful MLA, but when Reddy's relative provokes him against Veerabhadriah, the powerful politician has Veerabhadriah murdered in cold blood.
This grave injustice infuriates Veerabhadriah's elder son, Shankar Ravi who embarks on a killing spree to avenge his father's death. Taking refuge in the forests, he works on systematically decimating the Reddy clan and its supporters. However, he makes it a point to keep his younger brother, Pratap Ravi out of the cycle of violence and crime, but when he dies, it is Pratap Ravi's turn to take over. How will Pratap Ravi respond to this scenario? Will he be successful in avenging the death of his father and elder brother?