This poignant romantic drama revolves around Rajesh (Akkineni Nageswara Rao), a handsome playboy from a wealthy family, who meets with attractive Devi (Sridevi) and falls in love with her. He proposes his love for Devi, but Devi not only rejects but also humiliates him, because his reputation as a playboy precedes him.
When Devi comes to know that Rajesh really loves her with his heart and soul, she repents and accepts his love. The marriage is set to take place in a few days and preparations are on. Then Devi's brother Dr. Chakravarthy (Mohan Babu) comes across a secret about Rajesh's life that he has cancer and going to die soon, so he puts a stop to this marriage.
Devi finds out that her brother is behind this and tells Rajesh, they plan to get married in secret. At the same time, Rajesh also comes to know about his death through Dr. Venkateswarulu (Gummadi). At that same time, he knows that his close friend Prasad (Murali Mohan) also loves Devi, so he decides to get far away from her life, and attempts to create hatred in her heart for him.
From that day Rajesh does not show up, Devi is devastated fearing, tries to contact him and finds out that he was out with another woman named Jayanthi (Jayasudha) a call girl. Devi is shocked by Rajesh's act and tries to bring him back to her. But Rajesh pretends like his act of love was nothing more than a charade enacted to exact revenge upon Devi for insulting him.
Devi gets angry and she urges her brother to fix marriage with anyone in order to get back at the arrogant Rajesh. Her brother arranges for the wedding with Prasad. Jayanthi requests Rajesh to marry her, as though she was forced into a life of disrepute, she truly loves him and would like the honour of being his wife.
Rajesh marries her and begins his last journey. Devi marries Prasad but learns the truth about Rajesh's condition soon after. Devi is shocked and rushes to meet Rajesh. When everybody assembles at his place Rajesh blesses married Devi and peacefully breathes his last.