This action-oriented romantic drama revolves around Latha, a beautiful and vivacious young woman, who loves music and dance. When she sees a performance by Kalyan, a talented artist, she is deeply impressed and attracted. She pursues him with single-minded passion and soon, the young couple fall in love.
Kalyan's mother is a talented classical dancer and expects her son to follow in her footsteps and fulfill her ambition. Latha's elder brother Ranjith, is a violent and cruel man, who is obsessed with his younger sister's safety and does not hesitate to brutally kill anyone wishing to get close to her. As secrets from his family's past unravel, Kalyan learns of the enmity between his family and Latha's. As Kalyan and Ranjith end up in a violent confrontation, Latha is forced to push Kalyan away, for his own safety. Will Kalyan stay away from Latha? Will the lovers be forced to separate for good or will they succeed in uniting against all odds?