Evocative and eloquent, this socially relevant family drama revolves around Mangamma (Pushpavalli), a sincere single mother of two young sons, who is forced to struggle through extremely challenging financial circumstances.
Wishing to ensure his bright future, she agrees to have her second son Mohan (Ganesan) adopted by a wealthy family. She works hard as a domestic servant
is a melodrama about a woman and her two sons.
Still struggling to make ends meet, Mangamma (Pushpavalli) works hard as a domestic labour and raises her elder son, Muthu with tender love and eeducates him with high morals and values.
She witnesses a murder in the house, is arrested for the crime and jailed. When released, she finds the decent Muthu has become the enemy of the spoiled and immoral Mohan. How will she resolve the conflict between the brothers? What will the future hold in store for her and her sons?