This family-oriented fantasy thriller revolves around the blessed daughter of Udayshankar Verma and his pregnant wife, Parvati, who is born under auspicious and divine circumstances near a Devi Maa Mandir. The temple priest names the child Panchakshri/Vaishnavi. After many special incidents, the girl grows up to be revered in the community, and is subsequently married to an orphan, Vamsi/Rajesh Sharma.
After some time the couple become parents to a baby girl and name her Reshmi. On an auspicious occasion, Devi Maa possesses the body of Vaishnavi and predicts that the latter is going to die suddenly. The prophecy comes true, shattering the family with Reshmi paralysed.
While in the city, Vamsi comes across Panchakshri's look-alike, Honey, and follows her around, video-taping her movements. He is not aware that soon she will be confronting him as she considers him a stalker, while she has convinced her pushy family that she is in love with a U.S.-based male, Ravi. The question remains: what will Vamsi do under these circumstances, and what does Devi Maa have in store for this family?