This multi-layered social drama revolves around the spoilt son of a wealthy businessman, who grows up with a silver spoon and no worries of any kind. When his family purchases the brand-new car for him, he gets into a driving competition with his friend, Satyam. Due to his reckless driving he accidentally kills a good man, while his brother loses his eyesight due to injuries sustained after impact.
Balaiah's brother and blinds Balaiah. Somehow this incident comes to the knowledge of Kanta Rao and he confronts Krishna and throws him out of house. Krishna then ends up as one of the servants at Rao Gopal Rao's home. He also gets to know Balaiah and his family. He realizes the intensity of his mistake and vows to make Balaiah and his family's life better. Balaiah on the other hand vows to kill the person responsible for his brother's death and his blindness. Knowing about his fate in the hands of Balaiah, Krishna keeps helping them. Finally, Balaiah learns about Krishna and excuses him.