This evocative relationship drama revolves around Ravi, a young and talented software engineer. Surfing the net under the name Subba Rao, he becomes deeply involved with a mystery woman he meets on the Internet. While their chats soon blossom into love, the only thing Ravi knows about her is that her online username is Subha Lakshmi.
Ravi ultimately reveals his identity to Subha Lakshmi through web cam, but she keeps her identity a secret. Incidentally Ravi and Aparna become colleagues, who work together on the same project for a software company in Hyderabad. Aparna knows that Ravi is Subba Rao, but she refuses to reveal that she is Subha Lakshmi.
One fine morning, Aparna calls Ravi and asks him to come to the temple so that he can meet Subha Lakshmi. When Ravi visits the temple, he mistakes Divya (Sanghvi), Aparna's own sister to be Subha Lakshmi and makes a public display of affection. Divya reciprocates his emotion as she is a big fan of his boxing prowess. Will Aparna be forced to sacrifice her love for the sake of her sister? Will Ravi ever come to know of Subha Lakshmi's true identity?