This multi-layered drama revolves around Ramnath, a wealthy widower with two young children. While he is a very good man, who has earned great respect in society, he is also involved in diamond smuggling. He has a younger sister, Sharada who is separated from him. He misses his beloved sister a great deal and hopes that one day, his son will marry his sister's daughter.
Ramnath is betrayed, accused of murder and sent to prison by his partner, Balu. While Ramnath is in prison, his son, Ramu and Prabha, his daughter are brought to the streets by those greedy for his wealth.
Ramu is protected by Ramnath's loyal servant and becomes a taxi driver, but Prabha is left on the streets and grows up near a temple, selling flowers for her livelihood. Sharada's children, who come in search of Ramnath also end up on the streets.
How will Ramnath exact revenge upon Balu when he returns from prison? Will the family ever reunite?