This family-oriented drama revolves around Nisha Verma, a beautiful young woman who lives with her wealthy father, Goyal; her aunt, Laila; Laila's husband, Ajit; and her cousin, Ranjit. Laila would like her to get married to Ranjit so that the wealth and the estate gets to remain in the family.
However, Nisha can't stop herself from falling in love with a young man named Ramesh. When she introduces Ramesh to her dad, he does not approve of him, and warns Nisha not to see him again.
A few days later, Nisha hears her father scream in the middle of the night, and rushes over to his room, bumps into Ramesh who was on his way out. She finds out that her father has been killed, the police are summoned, and Ramesh is arrested.
At the trial in court, Ramesh pleads his innocence, but Nisha's testimony convicts him, with the sentence being the death penalty. The question remains, did Ramesh really kill Goyal, if not, then who committed this crime, and what exactly was Ramesh doing in Verma's house in the middle of the night?