This evocative romantic drama follows the trials and triumphs in the life of Priya (Sridevi), a movie star, who is exploited by her producer Janardhan (Major Sundarrajan). Janardhan has such a tight control over Priya's financial and personal affairs, that he even refuses to let her get married to her boyfriend, Bharat (Ambarish).
Just before she flies off to Singapore for a film shoot, Priya seeks the help of Lawyer Ganesh (Rajnikant) to assist her in getting rid of Janardhan.
How Ganesh helps Priya overcome her problems accounts for the rest of this movie, which includes a side story of Ganesh falling in love with a Malay-Indian girl.
Did you know? This movie is the Hindi dubbing of the Tamil movie 'Priya' which was Directed by S P Muthuraman starring Rajinikanth, Sridevi and Ambarish. Read More
An important section of this movie was filmed in exotic locations around Singapore and Malaysia.
This movie is the Hindi dubbing of the Tamil movie 'Priya' which was Directed by S P Muthuraman starring Rajinikanth, Sridevi and Ambarish.
The story of this movie is an adaptation from writer Sujatha's Ganesh and Vasanth novels.
The original story was written by writer 'Sujatha' and was set against the backdrop of 'London', with the 'Scotland Yard' playing a central role. But in this adaptation, the backdrop used is 'Singapore', with little or no role for the police force.
Love In Singapore 1983
25 Apr 1983 ● Hindi ● 2 hrs 22 mins
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