Fast-paced and fiery, this socially relevant crime drama revolves around Krishna (Balakrishna), a highly principled businessman, who lives in Dubai, while his family is in India. Due to powerful reasons, his grandmother is strictly against Krishna coming to India, but when he Krishna falls in love with Sneha (Sonal Chauhan), he decides to travel to India to seek her blessing for their marriage.
Jitender (Jagapati Babu) is an egotistical and arrogant man, who cannot tolerate anyone facing up to him. Once, he goes to a nearby village for a prospective match for his marriage. There he gets involved in a quarrel with the village headman (Suman) due to some unfortunate events and gets jailed.
From then onwards, he tries to take revenge on that family. He kills the family members of the village headman one-by-one. As soon as Krishna arrives in India, he gets involved in a violent confrontation with Jitendra's gang members.
When Krishna and his family members are travelling in a bus to visit a temple Jitender's shoots Krishna and his family members are beaten badly by his henchmen.
Krishna's elder brother Jai Dev The Legend (Balakrishna) who remained in exile due to his obeisance of his grandmother's orders, saves them and Krishna is admitted in a hospital. It is at this critical juncture that details of tragic incidents from the past are revealed.
Around 20 years back there was a bitter rivalry between Jai Dev and Jitender in which Jai Dev's cousin (Radhika Apte) whom he loved was killed by Jitender. When he comes to note that the corrupt and power hungry Jitender is on the verge of becoming the next Chief Minister of the State, its time for him to return and fight his old rival. Can he and his family successfully defeat Jitender and keep him from claiming the most powerful position in the state?