This crime thriller follows the life of Advocate Gautam Mehra, who lives in Bombay with his wife, Anju, and a daughter, Raksha. One day while returning from court he sees a woman being molested. He stops, phones the police, and then tries to stop the molester, in vain, though as himself gets attacked and loses consciousness. But the police do arrive and arrest the molester.
The defiant molester, Raghuvir's attempts to convince Gautam to change his testimony are in vain. Gautam goes on to testify against Raghuvir Singh, and gets him sentenced to seven years rigorous prison.
Six years later, Raghuvir re-enters the lives of the Mehras, and he is not going to disappear until he has had his vengeance against all three. Efforts to stop him through the police are in vain, as he has not committed any crime yet. The Mehras decide to re-locate to their farm house near a lake without notifying anyone.
While they are being re-located Gautam finds out that it is not just Raghuvir who is out for vengeance - there is someone other than him who wants them dead. Can Gautam successfully ensure his family's safety while deception surrounds him and danger lurks in every corner?
This film is inspired by the Hollywood film Cape Fear (1962).
Kanoon Kya Karega 1984
01 Jan 1984 ● Hindi ● 2 hrs 13 mins
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