This fast-paced relationship drama revolves around the family of Annapoorna, a gentle and caring woman with two sons, Raghu and his elder brother, Annaiyya and a daughter, Saroja who is a college student. Annapoorna's husband Chandrashekar, is a good man who is serving a life sentence in prison for murder.
The main source of income in the area is through work at a vast tea estate owned by Anand Rao. His younger brother, Krishna Rao was taking care of the estate. The manager of the tea estate Kanaka Rao is a terrible man who swindles the owner and, when an employee is killed in an accident at the factory, he refuses to pay any compensation. He also has Asha, a beautiful young woman returning from abroad, who is Anand Rao's rightful heir killed by goons.
In a stroke of good fortune, Asha survives and returns to the estate disguised as Jaya, a vivacious village woman. Jaya and Raghu meet and fall in love. Raghu's younger sister, Saroja falls in love with Ravi, the son of the evil Kanaka Rao. When Raghu and his elder brother go to Kanaka Rao with a proposal for marriage between Ravi and Saroja, Kanaka Rao insults them and throws them out.
When a complex sequence of events reveal that Kanaka Rao is actually responsible for the murder of Krishna Rao and has cunningly ensured that Chandrashekar is punished for the crime, Raghu and his brother, Ravi, Saroja and Asha come together to expose Kanaka Rao for his crimes and ensure that justice is served. Will they succeed in their dangerous mission?