This socially relevant relationship drama revolves around Vellisamy (Parthiban), an orphan who iis brought up by a Brahmin couple Sambasiva Iyer (K.Vishwanath) and Savithri (Lakshmi). Vellaisamy is very loyal and attached to the elderly couple. They also look after Vellaisamy as their own son.
Gayatri (Preetha Vijayakumar) is the only daughter of Sambasiva Iyer and Savithri who returns from the city after completing her education. Vellaisamy is very much attached to Gayatri also and he looks after her as if she were a child.
Kanmai (Manasa) is a local worker who develops affection for Vellaisamy after becoming deeply impressed by his good nature. Suddenly Savithri passes away due to cardiac arrest. Sambasiva Iyer is terribly shocked after his wife’s death and Vellaisamy takes care of Iyer.
Meanwhile, the villagers talk ill about the relationship between Vellaisamy and Gayatri. The gossip spreads to such an extent that even Iyer gets angry after listening to the comments made by the public. Later Iyer understands the purity of the bond between Vellaisamy and Gayatri. He feels bad for doubting them and he also passes away suddenly.
Gayatri is left alone following her parents’ death and Vellaisamy decides to take care of her until she gets married. Vellaisamy takes the responsibility of getting married Gayatri to the person she likes. He approaches Visu, a judge with a marriage proposal between Gayatri and Visu’s son. Visu is also interested in the proposal as he is surprised to see a person who takes all the effort to get someone married who is not related to him. But on the day of marriage, a few people come to the wedding hall and make some bad comments about Vellaisamy and Gayatri. Visu suddenly asks Vellaisamy and tie the knot with Gayatri. Everyone is shocked including Vellaisamy and Gayatri.
Thereafter, Visu reveals that he knows very well that the relationship that exists between Vellaisamy and Gayatri is pure which can be seen based on their reaction hearing marriage arrangements between them. As a judge, Visu says that he has the ability to judge people based on their expression. He says that he trusts the relationship between Vellaisamy and Gayatri. Finally Gayatri is married to Visu’s son.