Fast-paced and fiery, this romantic drama revolves around Jai (Gopichand), a sincere and helpful young man, who works as a fire officer. He happens to extend assistance to Ranganath (Brahmaji) without knowing that the man was closely associated with Chota Nayak (Kabir Duhan Singh). Not only that, Ranganath had turned informer and run away with Nayak's money.
As a consequence, Nayak assumes that Jai is Ranganath's accomplice and opens war upon him. Deciding to get away from Mumbai, Jai moves to Hyderabad and falls in love with Savitri (Rashi Khanna), but Nayak takes a vow to trace him down and kill whoever is close to Jai.
Nayak kills Jai's uncle (Chalapati Rao) in a staged fire accident. Incensed with grief, Jai kills Nayak's brother (Amit Tiwari) to avenge his uncle's death. He also sends his family away to keep them safe from Nayak's wrath. However, Savitri is captured by Nayak who threatens to kill her if Jai does not hand over the money Ranganath stole from him. Can Jai figure out where the money has been stashed? Will the enmity between Nayak and Jai ever be resolved? How will Jai's relationship with Savitri evolve?