This inspiring tale of triumph over tragedy revolves around Ganesh (Prabhu Deva), a famous dancer. He works hard to defeat his arch-rival Anthony in a dance competition to head into the international arena. Infuriated, Anthony arranges an accident for Ganesh in which Ganesh loses his legs, thereby destroying his career.
Unable to dance, Ganesh becomes heartbroken and depressed to the extent that he begins contemplating suicide, but his sister Priya (Kamalinee Mukherjee) consoles him and inspires him to seek a worthy disciple to transfer his tremendous knowledge in dance to.
Ganesh starts his search for a competent dancer and discovers Raghava (Raghava Lawrence), who works as a cleaning boy at a dance school in Vizag. Ganesh comes to know about him and his four friends and makes them his students. Will Raghava turn out to be a worthy disciple?