The film revolves around Heer (Firdous), a girl born into a wealthy family, and Ranjha (Ejaz) the youngest of four brothers, whose journey from his own village takes him to the village where Heer lives after the wives of his brothers refuse him food and mock him, here he meets and falls in love with her after she offers him work tending cattle.
However her jealous uncle Kaido has other plans and will stop at nothing to make sure their marriage does not happen.
When Heer is subsequently forced to marry another man, Saida Khera, she broken-heartedly enters a shrine. Ranjha, reciting the name of "Allah", eventually finds her and they are reunited. Their happiness does not last long, as Ranjha is arrested by the local ruler, although he is soon freed and permitted to marry Heer.
On their wedding day, however, Heer's jealous uncle Kaido poisons her, Ranjha after hearing the calls of Heer's soul screaming his name comes to realize that her uncle Kaido has killed her, in the film climax Ranjha kills Kaido with his own walking stick and then collapses and dies meeting Heer in the afterlife.