This multi-layered family drama traces the twists and turns in the life of Ram (Rajendra Prasad), who is a renowned criminal lawyer in Visakhapatnam. His innocent wife (Sitara) spoils their son Parthu (Parthu) and allows him to grow up without any discipline.
As a result of a bet gone wrong Parthu lands in Bangkok, and tries to find a girl. After one or two attempts wooing other girls, he finally falls for Meenakshi. Knowing that her son wants to get married, Sitara lands in Bangkok to convince the girls’ parents. Here she meets Meenakshi’s aunt Malleeshwari (Kasthuri), who will only agree to the marriage under the bizarre condition that she should be allowed to marry Ram. Why is Malleeshwari after Ram? Will Sitara be willing to sacrifice her marriage for the sake of her son's happiness? How will Parthu react to the woman who wishes to tear his parents apart?