This fast-paced action drama revolves around Ramesh, who is fondly known to all as Rummy. When Rummy expresses his love to his childhood sweetheart, Janaki she advises him to first become wealthy and powerful before asking for her hand in marriage.
In order to fulfil Janaki's wishes, Rummy gets involved in illegal gambling activities and amasses a great deal of wealth in a short span of time. The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Shekhar becomes aware of Rummy's successful ventures and decides to make it his mission to bring him to justice.
Meanwhile, Rummy seeks out greener pastures in Goa where he meets Chandra who owns a pub, which is a great cover for his successful gambling racket. Rummy and Chandra decide to go into business together. While on the task, Rummy rescues Sara (Paula) from Victor. Sara’s sister Nadia (Linda) falls in love with him. Another woman, Sandhya (Mamta Mohandas), enters his life. She helps him in his task.
Will Chandra and Rummy remain on friendly terms or will their partnership turn into enmity? How will Rummy's relationship with Janaki evolve?