This poignant family-oriented action drama revolves around Dhruva Kumar, an impulsive and spirited youngster. While he was a boy, he lived with his mother, Bharati Devi (Sarada), a widow struggling for survival along with Narendra, his younger brother, and Saroja, his younger sister. When the owner of their rented house misbehaves with his mother, Dhruva Kumar loses his temper, violently assaults him and runs away from home.
More than two decades later, the adult Dhruva Kumar lives in Mumbai and works as a lorry driver. Having lost all connection with his family, he leads a lonely life until he falls in love with Lalita, a beautiful young woman.
In a fateful twist, Dhruva Kumar becomes involved in a turf war between two mafia dons Lakshmipati (Satyanarayana) and Mattigadala Manikyala Rao (Nutan Prasad) and is forced to run away from the city with Lalita, to Hyderabad. When he is arrested on false charges and presented in court, he reunites with his family.
A complex sequence of events unfold causing Dhruva Kumar to become stuck at the centre of a whirlwind wall between the underworld kingpins, to the extent that he becomes the target of both criminal elements and law-enforcement agencies. When his family is targeted by his enemies, he must find a way to protect them against all odds. Will he succeed in doing so with his own life intact or will he be forced to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of his family?