Thrilling and terrifying, this horror story traces the trials and travails in the life of Takakura (Hidetoshi Nishijima), a former detective. He receives a request from his ex-colleague, Nogami (Masahiro Higashide), to examine an extremely mysterious case of a missing family that occurred 6 years earlier.
Takakura follows Saki's (Haruna Kawaguchi) memory and delves deeper into the investigation as she is the only surviving member of the family being investigated into.
Meanwhile, Takakura and his wife Yasuko (Yuko Takeuchi) have recently moved into a new home. Their neighbor, Nishino (Teruyuki Kagawa), has a sick wife and a young teen daughter. One day, the daughter, Mio, jumps into Takakura's house and tells him that the man is not her father and she doesn't know him at all. How will the detective's personal and professional future unfold?