This contemporary romantic drama revolves around Janaki, a beautiful young NRI who returns to India to live with her uncle and enrolls in a local college. At the college, she is greatly impressed by the popularity and musical prowess of Ramana, a talented young man from a middle-class family.
On one occasion, Janaki arrives at Ramana's house when he is all alone and the young lovers are unable to control their attraction and end up having sexual intercourse. Soon, Janaki informs Ramana that she is pregnant. She is forced to discontinue her education and there is a great deal of conflict between Janaki's uncle and Ramana's family.
Finally, Ramana and Janaki are forced to be accountable for their actions and begin living together. Ramana seeks employment and begins working as an instrumentalist playing the guitar in a club. Both of them are burdened by the responsibilities and drudgery of pregnancy, childbirth and the extraordinary effort required in taking care of a newborn.
Ramana hates having to give up his carefree college life spent largely enjoying with friends and begins to feel resentful towards Janaki and their child. He stops helping around in the care of his child and in the completion of household chores, letting Janaki take all the responsibility. He also shouts at her for destroying his life and storms out.
Then, while Ramana makes attempts to return to college and is in the process of writing an exam, Janaki walks into the examination hall, leaves the baby in a basket next to him and walks out. It is only when Ramana is forced to become the baby's primary caregiver that he understands the difficulties of single-handedly looking after a child. He regrets his actions, but is unable to find Janaki. Will Janaki return to his life and give him a second chance at being a good father and partner?