Did you know? The inspiration for this film came to Screenwriters Perry Howze and Randy Howze, who are real-life sisters, from a true story their grandmother told them about their great-aunt. Read More
The inspiration for this film came to Screenwriters Perry Howze and Randy Howze, who are real-life sisters, from a true story their grandmother told them about their great-aunt.
Cybill Shepherd and Robert Downey, Jr.'s on-screen chemistry reflected an off-screen rapport that developed as Shepherd helped Downey ease into his role.
This film's theme song, "After All", performed by Cher and Peter Cetera, was a Billboard Top 10 single hit, and went to the number six spot on the American Billboard Hot 100 in May 1989.
Chances Are 1989
10 Mar 1989 ● English ● 1 hr 48 mins
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