This multi-layered relationship drama revolves around Vikranth, a fearless police circle inspector, who belongs to a wealthy family. His family decides when the time is right for him to get married and begin to encourage him to think about settling down into a committed relationship.
Vikranth meets Archana, they find each other attractive and decide to get married. They inform their respective families, who, in turn, meet the prospective bride and groom, give them their approval and blessings, and both are then married.
After a honeymoon period of harmonious living, differences begin to erupt between the two, and start to snowball thereafter. Vikranth is filled with doubt and thinks that he acted in haste when he married Archana, and regrets his decision of marrying her.
One day he meets with another young lady, and both fall in love with each other. When Archana finds out, she is very upset and wants Vikranth to choose between her and his new girlfriend. How will Vikranth choose between the two women in his life?