This fast-paced suspense thriller follows the events in the lives of Amit Srivastav (Amitabh Bachchan) and Sheela Srivastav (Moushumi Chatterjee), a married couple who live with their son. One night, on their way to a party, they encounter a murder of a press reporter, although Amit was not able to catch a glimpse of the killer.
After helping the stabbed victim to the hospital, Amit begins to receive anonymous threats. He also gets a torn part of an invitation near the place of the attempted murder which he keeps, assuming it could lead to the killer. The killer captures Amit's son and demands the evidence that he has got. The only way to save his child is to unravel the mystery of the killer's identity. Amit and Inspector Jadhav (Satyendra Kapoor) together find the real killer.