This action-oriented drama revolves around Bijoy Singha Thakur, a fearless young man, who owns and operates the Singha Thakur Timber Company. Despite being the owner, he lives like he is one amongst the employees and always comes to their rescue, if they are mistreated and exploited by Mr Dutta, who owns the neighbouring timber company.
Bijoy is in love with Rupa, a beautiful young woman from an impoverished family, but wishes to get his beloved sister, Jaya married to a suitable groom before thinking about his own marriage.
Mr Dutta is consumed by jealousy and hatred for Bijoy and wishes to destroy him. With the help of corrupt government officials and other criminals, he murders Jaya and ensures that Bijoy is forced to go on the run. Will Bijoy succeed in avenging his sister's death and bring Mr Dutta to justice? How will his relationship with Rupa unfold?