Did you know? Alvy's sneezing into the cocaine was an unscripted accident. However, when previewed as the audience laughed so loud, the director decided to leave it in and had to add footage to compensate for people missing the next few jokes from laughing too much. Read More
The scene where Alvy and Annie are at their psychiatrists, which seems like a split screen scene, was actually shot simultaneously on one set with an adjoining wall.
Alvy's sneezing into the cocaine was an unscripted accident. However, when previewed as the audience laughed so loud, the director decided to leave it in and had to add footage to compensate for people missing the next few jokes from laughing too much.
Annie's outfits, which caused a brief fashion rage, were Diane Keaton's own clothes.
Federico Fellini and Luis Buñuel were first approached as Marshall McLuhan was not Allen's first choice.
It is the second shortest film to win the Best Picture Oscar at 93 minutes.
For a sequence set at Coney Island, Woody Allen once kept a crew of 200 extras hanging around for an entire morning and never found the inspiration to shoot that day.
Brooke Shields who played a schoolgirl crush of young Alvy's appeared in a deleted scene.
"Annie Hall" is included on Roger Ebert's "Great Movies" list.
"Annie Hall" was intended to be a period comedy set in Victorian London.
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