This action-oriented relationship drama revolves around Surendra, an honest police officer with a fiery personality. The daughter of the Commissioner of Police, Archana meets him accidentally and begins to admire Surendra's qualities. They slowly fall deeply in love with each other and broach the subject of marriage with family.
As Archana's father belongs to the state of Bihar, which has its own traditions and culture, he is hesitant to accept their union, but agrees for his daughter's sake. Just as they are about to get engaged however, a complex sequence of events unfold causing Archana and Surendra to get separated. Archana follows her father's advice and returns to Bihar to marry her relative, Sinha. Surendra is understandably upset over the unfortunate turn of events and decides to travel to Bihar in order to bring Archana back. Will he succeed in doing so against the wishes of the powerful Police Commissioner?