Youthful and upbeat, this relationship comedy revolves around Manju (Devina), Anju (Vidya), Ranjani (Swapna Madhuri), Prasad (Vijay) and Sanjay (Mohit) five teenagers, who live in the same colony. Prasad suffers from a severe inferiority complex, primarily because of his short stature. Both Anju and Manju feel infatuated towards Sanjay.
Prasad is in love with Anju. Ranjani is in love with Prasad. Sanjay does not believe in love and hence he doesn't really care to respond to either Anju or Manju.
Manju's brother-in-law is Rakesh (Sonu Sood), whom Manju's parents think would make a suitable life partner for her. This contemporary tale tells into the many complexities that developed within these relationships, as the young people traverse through many twists and turns on their way towards finding their respective life partners.