This multi-layered drama delves into the trials and triumphs in the life of Dr Madhavi, a successful lady, who runs a school for orphans and has a very good reputation in society. Amongst all the children in her school, she is especially attached to Ravi, a mute boy.
One of Dr Madhavi's patients is a pregnant woman, Rajalakshmi whose husband is an engineering contractor, Vasudeva Rao. In the tragic accident, Rajalakshmi's pregnancy gets aborted, causing her to become deeply depressed.
Rajalakshmi's younger sister, Vijaya becomes friendly with Dr Madhavi's employee, Raju as both of them have a strong interest in betting on racehorses. When Raju actually wins a bet and becomes wealthy, he and Vijaya get married and adopt Ravi.
What is the relationship between Dr Madhavi and Vasudeva Rao? Who are Ravi's biological parents? How will the future unfold for them?