This action-packed gangster drama revolves around the life of Alibhai (Mohanlal), King "Dadha" of Palayam market, Kozhikode. He is the unquestionable hero in that area and savior of the poor and downtrodden. Ganga (Gopika) and Chenthamara (Navya Nair), who sell flowers in the market are crazy about Alibhai, but he has no time for romance because he devotes all his time fighting for the cause of the people.
In his past, Alibhai had to endure some bad experiences with two gangsters Siddique and Aryaman, trying to take over his territory. They wanted to drive out Alibhai from the market and build a shopping mall with the help of local politicians. At one stage, they planted a bomb and killed many of his friends and neighbours. The crux of the tale depicts how Alibhai got hold of them single-handedly and became the undisputed Lord of the area.
Did you know? The story of the lead male character in this movie is based on a real life character named Ali Bappu, who lived a life like Ali Bhai in Kondotty a decade ago. Read More
The story of the lead male character in this movie is based on a real life character named Ali Bappu, who lived a life like Ali Bhai in Kondotty a decade ago.
This movie depicts a brief history of Kozhikode market and the people living there. Also shown are the culture and lifestyle of traditional "Baramis" Muslim settlers in Kozhikode, who migrated from Yemen to India centuries ago for trading in Kerala. They are still active in making Urus.
Alibhai 2007
15 Aug 2007 ● Malayalam ● 2 hrs 18 mins
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