This evocative drama follows the fluctuating fortunes in the life of Binu, a carefree, naughty young man who is always up to mischief. The only person he listens to is his elder brother and despite being from an economically challenged family, they lead simple, but happy lives.
Binu's best friend is Chandra, the daughter of a wealthy zamindar. One day, when Chandra’s mother becomes very ill, Binu and Chandra decide to go to a temple and pray for her welfare. However, it gets dark by the time they return, much to everybody's ire. Due to the disrepute this causes Chandra and her family, Binu is punished and ordered to leave the village.
Binu is found by a nomadic theatre troupe in an unconscious condition and nursed back to health. Shyama of the theatre group loves Binu like her own brother. Binu stays with the group and becomes an important actor of the group. How will Binu's future unfold? Will Chandra forget about her childhood sweetheart and marry the groom chosen for her by her family? Will Binu ever have the opportunity to reunite with his family and Chandra?