Thrilling and terrifying, this psychological crime drama revolves around Surya (Ganesh), who is an upstanding police officer in the day, but in the night he is a psychopathic serial killer. Unable to distinguish personal tragedy from the hopes and dreams of others, he goes about murdering couples who have disobeyed their parents will by eloping and having romantic relationships.
In a flashback, we learn that Surya was once a bright and hopeful young man as well as a well-meaningful is officer, who had been convinced by his doting mother to have an arranged marriage. The would-be bride is Ramya (Poonam Kaur), a beautiful woman from Tanjore. Surya falls deeply in love with her, but is shattered to learn that she is in a relationship with Shiva (Munna) and architect. On the day of the marriage, she elopes with her boyfriend to get married separately, and unable to bear the shame and disbelief, Surya’s mother commits suicide.
Back in the present, Surya gets transferred to Kodaikanal, and is alerted of a robbery at the couple’s house. Upon inspection, something flickers in Surya’s mind – although he has never seen Ramya in person before, photographs and other descriptive memories evoke suspicion, causing him to revisit the house, but for a different kind of inspection this time. Given his psychotic state, revenge is all he seeks. Will he succeed in exacting revenge?