This family-oriented romantic drama revolves around Dorababu, an innocent young man, who is the only heir to a vast fortune. He has a deep yearning for his mother, but when she died in its infancy, his father married Nagamani (Jayachitra), a cruel and greedy woman.
His step-mother ensures that Dorababu remains uneducated and ignorant of the world, keeping him completely under her control. Her only desire is to ensure that the entire estate remains in her control for ever. Unaware of evil nature, Dorababu treats her with the greatest love and devotion, remaining her willing slave in every way.
Dorababu is greatly impressed after meeting Sudha, a beautiful and vivacious young woman at a wedding ceremony. When she is abducted and about to be assaulted, Dorababu comes to her rescue. They fall in love and get married.
Nagamani rightly determines Sudha to be a powerful threat to her complete control over Dorababu and does everything in her power to keep the newlyweds as far away from each other as possible. Sudha is intelligent, fearless, astute and a worthy opponent to Nagamani. As she investigates into Dorababu's family, she realises very soon that his step-mother has turned his father into a hapless invalid and keeps him essentially imprisoned.
Sudha decides to nourish Dorababu with enough love, confidence and knowledge to break free of his step-mother's clever trap and ensure that her crimes are exposed. Will Dorababu be strong enough to see past the mask adorned by his step-mother, break away from years of servitude and truly grow into his highest potential?