This contemporary relationship drama revolves around Biman, a man with conventional middle class values, is the officer-in-charge of the Demolition department of Kolkata corporation. His wife Mouli has apparently adjusted herself to this orthodox and unexciting domestic life. Being childless in a decade-long marital relationship is a source of pain for the couple; but they somehow pull on with a façade of understanding and happiness.
Biman is dutiful husband with refined taste in music and a consuming passion for gardening. He is a thoroughbred honest man discharging his duties of demolishing illegal possessions without fear or fervour. However, deep within his conscience he feels a sense of agony and guilt for the helpless persons rendered homeless and jobless by his official actions.
Biman's deep involvement with his official assignment creates a yawning gap between him and Mouli slowly but inexorably. Mouli's college mate Indra walks into their lives and an emotional rapport grows between Mouli and Indra. One day Biman comes to know about the relationship.
However, he is even more deeply hurt when Mouli flatly denies the relationship. The whole world starts reeling round Biman, the demolition man finds himself demolished. He leaves Kolkata to visit her aunt in a small town. When he turns home, he finds that Mouli has left with Indra. Biman tenders his resignation and decides to begin a new chapter in his life that would be just for himself.