Fast-paced and fiery, this action-oriented crime drama revolves around Abhi, a fearless young man from a loving family. Abhi's elder brother works hard in Singapore to ensure that his family in India are safe and secure. He also hopes to find employment for Abhi in Singapore so that his beloved younger brother can join him.
In the meantime, Abhi tries hard to find employment in India, but is unsuccessful. Frustrated and disheartened, he finds himself getting embroiled in gang activities and begins to travel on a path of violence and crime. He also meets and falls in love with Nandita (Rituparna Sengupta), a social worker who is his neighbour.
While Abhi's elder brother makes desperate attempts to get Abhi a passport and take him to Singapore, life becomes more difficult for him in India as he and his family become the main target in a vicious gang war. Will Abhi's elder brother succeed in taking him to Singapore? Can Abhi keep his family safe and secure from the dark shadow of crime and violence?